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Tollhausen Tanzschule und Tanzen

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Reisenberger Dance School

Dance school Reisenberger, Mauthausen, dance school

mapMarkerGrey Josef-Czerwenka-Straße 4, 4310...

Introduction: An introduction to the topic "Dancing in Mauthausen (Austria)" and the different types of dance schools.

Dancing is a popular leisure activity in Austria and especially in Mauthausen. There have been many different dance schools here for many years, offering many different dance styles. Dancing is a great way to get some exercise and have fun at the same time. In this article we will look at some of the different dance schools in Mauthausen and give an insight into the different types of dance styles.

History of dancing in Mauthausen

Dancing in Mauthausen has a long history. People were already dancing here regularly in the 19th century, especially on special occasions such as weddings, birthdays and other festivities. Since then, the dance culture in Mauthausen has developed further and today there are many different dance schools offering different dance styles.

Types of dance schools in Mauthausen

There are many different dance schools in Mauthausen offering different dance styles. Some of the most popular dance schools in Mauthausen are - Standard and Latin dance school: This dance school offers lessons in standard and Latin dances. Here you can learn how to waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, cha-cha, rumba, jive and many other standard and Latin dances. - Discofox dance school: This dance school offers lessons in discofox and other disco dances. Here you can learn how to dance discofox, salsa, merengue, bachata, samba and many other disco dances. - Jazz dance school: This dance school offers lessons in jazz and other modern dances. Here you can learn how to dance jazz, hip-hop, breakdance, lindy hop, tap and many other modern dances. - Ballet dance school: This dance school offers lessons in classical ballet technique. Here you can learn how to master the basics of classical ballet, such as pliés, pirouettes and jetés. - Dancesport dance school: This dance school offers lessons in various dance sports. Here you can learn how to dance discofox, standard and Latin dances, salsa, merengue, bachata, samba, jazz, hip-hop and many other dance sports.


Dancing is a popular leisure activity in Mauthausen and there are many different dance schools offering many different dance styles. Whether you want to learn standard and Latin dances, discofox, jazz, ballet or dance sport - there is something for everyone in Mauthausen.

Dancing in Mauthausen (Austria)

Mauthausen is a beautiful place in Austria, known above all for its picturesque landscapes and ancient culture. But Mauthausen is also a place where you can dance. There are a variety of dance schools in Mauthausen that offer different dance styles, from standard dances to Latin American dances.

Dance schools in Mauthausen

There are many dance schools in Mauthausen that offer different dance styles. Some of the most popular are

Schönbrunn Dance School

The Schönbrunn dance school is one of the best-known dance schools in Mauthausen. It offers both standard and Latin American dances. The dance school also offers courses for beginners and advanced dancers.

Schönbrunn Palace Dance School

The Schloss Schönbrunn dance school offers standard and Latin American dances. It offers courses for beginners and advanced dancers and has a wide range of dance styles, including Viennese waltz, foxtrot, cha cha cha and many more.

Schlosspark Dance School

The Schlosspark dance school offers standard and Latin American dances. It offers courses for beginners and advanced dancers and has a wide range of dance styles, including Viennese waltz, foxtrot, cha cha cha and many more.

Dance school Tanzarena

The Tanzarena dance school is one of the best-known dance schools in Mauthausen. It offers both standard and Latin American dances. The dance school also offers courses for beginners and advanced dancers.

Dance school Tanzcafé

The Tanzcafé dance school offers standard and Latin American dances. It offers courses for beginners and advanced dancers and has a wide range of dance styles, including Viennese waltz, foxtrot, cha cha cha and many more.

Dancing as a cultural tradition: a look at the long history of dancing in Mauthausen and its influence on culture.

Dancing has a long and important history in Mauthausen, Austria. Since the Middle Ages, dancing has been used as a means of entertainment and to promote a sense of community. Over the centuries, dancing has developed in Mauthausen and has taken an important place in the town's culture.

The history of dancing in Mauthausen

Dancing in Mauthausen has a long history. In the Middle Ages, many different types of dances were performed, including folk dances, which differed from the surrounding regions. Over the centuries, people also began to learn and practice other types of dances, such as the waltz and other standard dances.

The influence of dance on culture in Mauthausen

Dancing not only has a long history in Mauthausen, but also has a great influence on the culture of the town. Dancing is an important part of the local culture and is celebrated at many different events and festivals. It is a symbol of community and a way to make friends and connect. Dancing is also an important part of the local heritage. Many different types of dances are still danced in Mauthausen today, and many people strive to preserve and pass on the tradition of dancing.

Dancing in Mauthausen, Austria

Mauthausen is a town in Austria that has a rich dance culture. There are many dance schools and venues that specialize in different dance styles. In Mauthausen, visitors can experience dance styles such as standard, Latin, salsa, tango and many more.

Dance schools in Mauthausen

There are many dance schools in Mauthausen that teach different styles of dance. Some of the most popular dance schools are Tanzschule Mauthausen, Tanzschule Graz, Tanzschule Wien and Tanzschule Salzburg. All of these dance schools offer courses for beginners and advanced dancers.

Dance events in Mauthausen

There are also many dance events in Mauthausen. Some of the most popular events are the Mauthausen Dance Night, the Mauthausen Dance Party, the Mauthausen Dance Week and the Mauthausen Dance Festival. These events are a great opportunity to discover and learn new dance styles.

Dance styles and dance schools in Mauthausen: An overview of the different dance styles and dance schools in Mauthausen

In Mauthausen there are a variety of dance styles and dance schools that will delight both beginners and advanced dancers. Most dance schools offer a combination of standard and Latin American dances. Although many of the dance schools are specialized, most of them can also offer other dance styles.

Standard and Latin American dances

There are a number of dance schools in Mauthausen that specialize in standard and Latin American dances. The most popular standard and Latin American dances offered in Mauthausen include Viennese waltz, tango, foxtrot, cha cha, rumba, jive and salsa. Many dance schools also offer special courses for couples that specialize in a particular dance style.

Other dance styles

In addition to standard and Latin American dances, some dance schools in Mauthausen also offer other dance styles. The most popular other dance styles offered in Mauthausen include discofox, swing, hip hop, ballet, jazz and tap dancing. Many dance schools also offer special courses for children that specialize in a particular dance style.

Dance events

Dance events are regularly organized in Mauthausen, bringing together dancers of different dance styles. These events are a great opportunity to learn new dances and make new friends. Some of the most popular dance events in Mauthausen are the annual "Dance in Mauthausen" and the "Dance of the Night".

Dancing in Mauthausen (Austria)

Mauthausen is a small community in northern Austria that is characterized by a rich dance culture. In Mauthausen there are many different types of dance schools and dance centers that teach both beginners and advanced dancers.

Dance styles

There are many different dance styles practiced by teachers and students in Mauthausen. Some of the most popular dance styles are waltz, foxtrot, polka, discofox, salsa, tango, cha cha cha and jive.

Dance schools and dance clubs

There are many dance schools and dance clubs in Mauthausen that teach both beginners and advanced dancers. Some of the most popular dance schools are Tanzschule Mauthausen, Tanzschule Kastner, Tanzschule Köhler and Tanzschule Kollmann. There are also several dance clubs in Mauthausen that regularly organize dance evenings and dance parties.

Dance courses and workshops

There are also many dance courses and workshops in Mauthausen that teach both beginners and advanced dancers. Some of the most popular dance courses are the beginner dance course, the advanced dance course, the salsa dance course and the tango dance course. There are also various workshops that are suitable for both beginners and advanced dancers.

Dance competitions

There are also many dance competitions in Mauthausen that appeal to both beginners and advanced dancers. Some of the most popular dance competitions are the Mauthausen Dance Competition, the Mauthausen Dance Marathon and the Mauthausen Dance Festival.


Mauthausen is a small community in northern Austria that is characterized by a rich dance culture. There are many different types of dance schools and dance clubs that teach both beginners and advanced dancers. There are also many dance classes and workshops, as well as dance competitions that appeal to both beginners and advanced dancers. Mauthausen is a great place to learn and enjoy dancing.

Dance events in Mauthausen: an overview

Mauthausen offers a variety of dance events that take place every year. These include dance festivals, dance competitions, dance concerts and much more.

Dance festivals

Several dance festivals take place in Mauthausen every year. The festivals offer a wide variety of different dance styles and musical genres. There are also various competitions where participants can show off their skills.

Dance competitions

Mauthausen hosts several dance competitions where participants can compete in different dance styles. The competitions are judged by professional dancers and there are prizes for the winners.

Dance concerts

There are also several dance concerts in Mauthausen. The concerts are a great opportunity to experience the different styles of dance and music. The concerts are also a good opportunity to make new friends and develop new ideas.

Dancing in Mauthausen

Mauthausen is a small community in the north-east of Austria that is a popular destination for ballroom dancers. The community has a variety of dance schools and dance classes that cater to both beginners and advanced dancers. There are also many dance events that take place in Mauthausen and many different dance styles that are taught here.

Dance schools in Mauthausen

There are many dance schools in Mauthausen that offer different dance styles. Some of the most popular dance schools are: - Tanzschule Giebel: This dance school offers courses in standard and Latin dances. It also offers special courses for seniors and children. - Tanzschule Steiner: This dance school offers courses in standard and Latin dances, but also in salsa, tango and other Latin American dance styles. - Tanzschule Waldmann: This dance school offers courses in standard and Latin dances, but also in hip-hop, jazz and other modern dance styles.

Dance events in Mauthausen

Mauthausen has a number of dance events that take place every year. Some of the most popular events are: - Tanzfest Mauthausen: This is an annual dance festival that takes place in August. There are competitions in different dance styles and many dance parties. - Mauthausen Dance Weekend: This weekend takes place every year in September. There are workshops and dance parties in different dance styles. - Mauthausen Dance Festival: This festival takes place once a year and offers workshops and dance parties in different dance styles.

Conclusion: Dancing in Mauthausen (Austria)

Dancing in Mauthausen is a very diverse experience. There are different styles of dance to try and there are many dance schools that offer dance classes. The diversity of dancing in Mauthausen allows people to indulge in a variety of dance styles, which can be a very enriching experience. The dance schools in Mauthausen also offer a variety of dance classes that offer something for everyone. You can find classes from beginner to advanced that will help you improve your skills and learn more about dance.

Conclusion: A summary of the diversity of dancing in Mauthausen and the various opportunities to dedicate oneself to dancing.

In Mauthausen, there is a wide variety of dance styles and dance schools to help you improve your skills and learn more about dance. There are also a variety of dance classes that allow you to dedicate yourself to a wide range of dance styles. This variety of options makes it possible for everyone to improve their skills and learn more about dance. Dancing in Mauthausen is a very diverse experience that can help you express yourself creatively and improve your skills.